"Ha, ha, ha, you have been discovered by the old horse." Jackson smiled awkwardly and got serious. "I mean, you are always fighting with ordinary imperial mecha, and there is no gain effect on your own strength. If you go on like this, your strength will not increase but decrease. If you are used to the rhythm and mode of ordinary imperial mecha fighting, if you suddenly meet the real meaning of the empire, the noble mecha will be very passive …"

机破人亡 这四个字杰克森并没有说出来可他意思却已经非常显了就像是一次两人见面时候一样直言要挑战骥星河甚出言相逼他是想要利战斗来让骥星河放弃成机甲战士想法是想要让骥星河认清楚自己不要因一次两次胜利而骄傲自满 一次结果证他所所有些多此一举而这一次也是一样 “谢谢” 骥星河说了这两个字于战斗它什么都没说他实比杰克森更清楚这一点练功五十五年时却从不认自己是绝世高手他谦卑忍让了五十五年于屠远少将拿到他个人信息时都奇怪他什么这么多年时里从来没有和人发生过争斗 中有一个原因应该是骥星河身材高大、体型健硕正常情况人敢于主动招惹但更多原因还是于骥星河性格 “行吧你心里白就好我还你会对我说你吃过盐比我吃过米还多呢” 杰克森说完后就离了第一次轨道降实验完成后他就要立即奔赴他需要战斗地方轨道降机甲兵团并不是正式编制目前所有成员都不是正式成员每个人都有每个人隶属部队、战 “保重” “保重” Farewell is not only Jackson, but also five other super mecha who have just met [Read More…]


Two guns came in from outside instantly. All one leng. Mark looked directly back at Debbie and said, "Debbie is watching them here, but if [Read More…]